
Opening Hours


The Day of the Procedure:

  1. Please do not wear any make-up, jewellery, facial perfume, or after-shave.
  2. If you have any signs of a skin infection in the area to be treated, we may have to reschedule the procedure to prevent any complications that may occur.
  3. Expect to be with us for between 1.5~2 hours, depending on the extent of your treatment.
  4. Please bring your phone or magazine to read during numbing cream application.

Post-Procedural Instructions:

  1. After the treatment, you may experience some soreness and pain over the treated areas. Paracetamol can be taken in case of discomfort.
  2. Mild swelling redness and bruising can occasionally occur and may be noticeable for a few days. Use of cooling pack will help reduce swelling.
  3. The treated area may be tender to touch. Your skin may become sensitive as a result of the area being swollen/inflamed. This is normal and will improve over the first week and should be gone after 3-4 weeks.
  4. Should you experience severe pain, swelling or signs of infection in the treated area, contact us immediately.
  5. Expect 10-14 days for the skin to fully recover to its natural aspect. However, you can resume most normal activities within 1-3 days.
  6. Follow-up appointments to ensure the skin is responding and healing as it should are made with your treating clinician at 2-6 weeks after procedure.
  7. Strict sun protection is advised for a few days after the procedure to avoid any adverse effects of the treatment.

What to do/not do after the Procedure:

  1. Try to find some “social downtime” for the first few days following treatment.
  2. Avoid cleansing treated area on the day of the treatment.
  3. No make up to be applied on the day of the treatment.
  4. Avoid hot showers, baths, sauna for 24 hours.
  5. Avoid scratching or picking skin on the treated area.
  6. Use post-procedure cream 3 times a day for first 3 days, followed by daily for the next 4 days
  7. Keep your head elevated for the first week when sleeping. Use a second pillow or elevate the head-part of the bed. Sleep face-up and not on the treated areas (1 week).
  8. Wash and dry your face gently, use cold water and pat lightly with a towel. Do not rub or massage (2 weeks).
  9. Avoid active skin care ingredients such as retinol, glycolic acid, AHA, salicylic acid, lactic acid. (3~7 days)
  10. Avoid direct sunlight (3 weeks)
  11. Always use sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses even in winter after treatment (6 weeks)

If you have any issues or concerns following your procedure, please call the clinic and your treating doctor will get back to you as soon as possible.